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Kanzlei Feldmann – Ihre Steuerberater in Hamburg


Kanzlei Feldmann – Your tax consultants in Hamburg

Our service portfolio includes classical tax consulting as well as tax structuring consulting. Our services in detail:

  • Preparation of tax returns for companies (corporate, trade and sales tax returns)

  • Preparation of tax returns for entrepreneurs and freelancers

  • Preparation of annual financial statements in accordance with tax regulations (including the preparation of special and supplementary balance sheets)

  • Preparation of revenue and profit statements according to income tax regulations

  • Support during external tax audits

  • Preparation of tax planning calculations

  • Future-oriented tax planning

  • International tax law

Learn more about your advantages when working with Kanzlei Feldmann.

Professional tax consulting

The modern organization of a duty fulfillment as a competitive advantage

Companies and individuals have to fulfill certain tax obligations. Meeting these as smoothly as possible is a competitive advantage over other market participants, if they have organized their process of meeting these obligations too elaborately. This is often the case when too many people are involved in the process. This can be caused, for example, by internal incentive structures on the part of the tax consultants.

Personal support by tax consultant Burkhardt Feldmann

The clients mainly consist of medium-sized corporations and wealthy private individuals. The support is provided throughout Germany. Due to modern communication possibilities the distance does not lead to loss of time. All consulting services are provided by tax consultant Burkhardt Feldmann in order to guarantee the best possible support. You have one contact person for all your different concerns - be it payroll accounting and the related business management issues, integrated planning calculations or the annual financial statement; your advantage thereby: due to digitalization, all areas of your entrepreneurial success, which are represented numerically, are interconnected and have certain interrelationships. These existing interrelationships can also be presented and explained accordingly due to the personal work input in all affected subareas.

Kanzlei Feldmann | Burkhardt Feldmann | Steuerberatung

Persönliche Betreuung durch Steuerberater Burkhardt Feldmann

Die Mandanten bestehen im Wesentlichen aus mittelständischen Kapitalgesellschaften und vermögenden Privatpersonen. Die Betreuung erfolgt deutschlandweit. Aufgrund moderner Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten führt die Entfernung nicht zu Zeitverlusten. Sämtliche Beratungstätigkeiten werden von Steuerberater Burkhardt Feldmann erbracht, um die bestmögliche Betreuung zu garantieren. Sie haben einen Ansprechpartner für alle Ihre unterschiedlichen Belange – sei es in der Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung und den damit verbundenen betriebswirtschaftlichen Fragestellungen, zu integrierten Planungsrechnungen oder dem Jahresabschluss; ihr Vorteil dadurch: durch die Digitalisierung sind alle Bereiche Ihres unternehmerischen Erfolgs, die zahlenmäßig abgebildet werden, miteinander verbunden und stehen in bestimmten Wirkungszusammenhängen. Diese bestehenden Zusammenhänge können aufgrund des persönlichen Arbeitseinsatzes in allen betroffenen Teilbereichen auch entsprechend dargelegt und erläutert werden.

Kanzlei Feldmann – Consultants of a new generation

Call us at +49 (0)40 64799031 or write to us »

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